Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

What is EMC?

The Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive is a piece of legislation in the European Union aimed at ensuring that electrical and electronic equipment does not generate, or is not affected by, electromagnetic interference that could impair its performance or that of other equipment. The directive helps to ensure that electronic devices and systems can coexist harmoniously without causing or suffering from interference.

Key Aspects



Emission Limits

Equipment must not emit levels of electromagnetic interference that could disrupt other devices or communications. The directive sets limits on the permissible levels of emissions.

Immunity Requirements

Equipment must be capable of operating correctly in the presence of a certain level of electromagnetic interference from external sources.

Who can avail EMC?

  • Companies designing and producing electronic products intended for sale in the EU market.

  • Examples includes:

    • Consumer Electronics(e.g. televisions, smartphones)
    • Industrial Equipment(e.g. robotics, automation system)
    • Medical Devices(e.g. diagnostic equipment, imaging systems)
    • Household appliances(e.g. washing machines, microwaves)

Benefits of EMC

  • Enhanced product reliability and performance

  • Reduced Electromagnetic Interference

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