What is Machinery Directive?

This Directive applies to all machinery and safety components. A machine is defined as “an assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves”. The essential protection requirements demand that machine manufacturers identify the hazards that their products contain and assess the risks these hazards present to users. Any risks identified must be reduced to as low a level as is practicable. Detailed requirements are laid out in a series of safety standards. The administrative provisions of the Directive require manufacturers to produce a Technical File, sign a Declaration of Conformity and label the product with certain markings.

Key Aspects




The Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) covers machinery, including parts and components, safety components, lifting accessories, chains, ropes, and webbing, as well as interchangeability components.


There are exclusions such as military equipment, machines which are already covered by other, more specific, directives and equipment which falls within the scope of the Low Voltage Directive.

Who can avail Machinery Directive certification?

  • Industrial machinery (e.g., CNC machines, conveyors).

  • Agricultural machinery (e.g., tractors, harvesters).

  • Construction machinery (e.g., excavators, cranes).

Benefits of Machinery Directive certification

  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance

  • Encouragement of Innovation

  • Comprehensive Documentation and Transparency

  • Efficient Market Surveillance

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